To help Amata celebrate their 2020 achievements, our talented 3D team created this adorable animated film. The spot features our original 3D character design depicting the charismatic Amata CEO, Vikrom Kromadit, as a young boy. As we follow the young Vikrom building cities across Asia, Amata’s industrial feats are brought to life in a fun and joyful story.
Title: Save Earth, Save Us 2020
Client: Amata
Agency: Treacle
Production Company: Treacle
Director: Tom Mitchell
Producers: Veronica Guarino & Pilaiwan Pinmee
Storyboards: Supreeya Chatromyen
Concept Art: Noppanut Ruangwanitchayakul & Supreeya Chatromyen
VFX Supervisor: Hamed Pourkerman
3D Animation: Nuntawan Sumaneengam, Archavana Boonyathai, Kantee Sananue, Witsanukon Chaliaotham & Nuttawat Thip-O-sot
Sound Design: Tada Mitrevej
3D Hong Kong Amata render
Cure Vikrom 3D character
3D playroom animation, happy new year


World-Class Quality, on Time and on Budget.
Highly Recommend Them

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